Origin : | 產地: | |||||||||||||||||
AUSTRALIA | 澳洲 | |||||||||||||||||
Ingredients | 成份: | |||||||||||||||||
天然礦泉水, 温和清潔液, 尤加利精油, 茶樹精油, 迷迭香精油, 薰衣草精油, 香茅精油, 苦楝精油. | |||||||||||||||||
Analysis 分析 | ||||||||||||||||||
Dog.Com is not responsible for typographical errors. We strive to keep the most current information on our website, however sometimes ingredients, the guaranteed analysis and packaging can change. Please check the manufacturer's website for the most current product information | 犬公館不保證文字上的失誤. 我們會盡量去更新資料的準確性, 但基於廠方或代理會不定期更改成份,包裝等我們無法控制的因素. 客人如需要最準確的產品資料, 請查詢產品的官方網頁. |