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Pro Plan 舒敏系列 成貓室內去毛球雞肉配方 1.5 KG

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Official website:www.proplannutrition.com.au 官方網頁: www.proplannutrition.com.au
  • With result beginning in the 3rd week of feeding. If stop feeding PRO PLAN®LIVECLEAR™, the allergenreduction effect will stop. Therefore, it is recommended to continue to feed PRO PLAN®LIVECLEAR™ for optimal benefit - Inulin to help reduce litter box odour by 24% - Combination of fibres to control hairball formation by safely and gently moving hair through the digestive tract - Unique nutrients blend to help promote healthy kidneys - Helps protect teeth from plaque and tartar build up

  連續餵飼3星期,見證成效。停止餵 PRO PLAN®舒敏系列™會失去減少致敏 原的效用,故此建議持續每天餵飼PRO PLAN®舒敏系列™ - 菊糖有助於減少排泄物異味24% - 含多種纖維,控制毛球形成 - 有助腎臟健康 - 幫助保護牙齒
Origin :   產地:
Australia   澳洲
Ingredients   成份:

Chicken (dehydrated Chicken-natural glucosamine source, Chicken); brewers rice; whole grain wheat; corn protein; poultry oil; minerals, vitamins, amino acids, organic acids and flavours (including calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chloride, potassium, magnesium, manganese, copper, zinc, iron, iodine, selenium, vitamin A, vitamin B1, vitamin B2, vitamin B3, folic acid, vitamin B5, vitamin B6, vitamin B12, vitamin C, vitamin D, vitamin E, choline, arginine, taurine, pyrophosphates, beta-carotene, liver flavour); fish oil; tuna meal; dried egg product; dried Bacillus coagulans fermentation product and natural antioxidants

  雞肉(脫水雞肉、雞肉)、純酵母米、全穀小麥、玉米蛋白、植物纖維 (纖維素、菊苣、甜菜漿和米纖維)、礦物質(鈣、磷、鈉、氯、鉀、鎂、 錳、銅、鋅、鐵、碘、硒、焦磷酸鹽)和維生素(A、B1、B2、菸鹼酸、 葉酸、泛酸、B6、B12、C、D、E、膽鹼、β-胡蘿蔔素)和胺基酸(精胺 酸、牛磺酸)和有機酸和香料(含雞肝)、家禽油脂(雞脂)、脫水鮪魚、 魚油、雞蛋粉、芽孢乳酸菌發酵物、抗氧化劑。
Analysis 分析
Protein 蛋白質 34 %
Fat 脂肪 14 %
Fiber 纖維 3 %
Moisture 水份   %
Dog.Com is not responsible for typographical errors. We strive to keep the most current information on our website, however sometimes ingredients, the guaranteed analysis and packaging can change. Please check the manufacturer's website for the most current product information   犬公館不保證文字上的失誤. 我們會盡量去更新資料的準確性, 但基於廠方或代理會不定期更改成份,包裝等我們無法控制的因素. 客人如需要最準確的產品資料, 請查詢產品的官方網頁.

