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Bio-Coat 美毛粉 6 oz

  • 圖片 1
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Official website: 官方網頁: 
  • Helpful & effective for: dry skin, constant scratching, dull thin coat, excessive shedding.

  • Contains biotin and essential fatty acids plus a wide spectrum of vitamins and minerals.

  • Contains no artificial flavors, colors or preservatives.

  • Each scoop contains 1.5 mg (1500 mcg) of Biotin. Feed 1/4 teaspoon (scoop provided) per 30 lbs of weight.

  • 4-8 months supply for pets over 30 lbs.

  • Recommended for biotin deficiencies which may cause:
  • Dry, Itchy , Scaly Skin
  • Seborrheic Dermatitis & Eczema
  • Military Eczema in Cats
  • Alopecia (Loss of Hair)
  • Poor Coat Color and Coat Quality
  • Cracked or Tender Pads
  • Infected Toe Nails
  • Stiffness in Aged Dogs and Cats
  • Hindquarter Weakness
  • Loss of Appetite
  • Stress in Pregnancy and lactation

Origin :   產地:
USA   美國
Ingredients   成份:
Primary dried yeast, biotin, malto dextrin  


Feeding guidelines   喂食指引:
The amount of food your dog needs will vary depending on breed, activity level, age and climate. Use our feeding chart as a guide, adjusting the quantity fed to achieve your dog’s ideal weight. We suggest feeding twice a day, puppies more often. Provide fresh, clean water at all times. Regular exercise will help maintain a healthy body weight. Love, attention and tummy rubs should be given freely, as often as possible.  Pregnant/lactating females: increase intake by 50%.  

以下僅是一般指引, 不同品種,年齡,當地氣温都會影響到吸收, 閣下應跟據寵物的吸收能力自行調節進食份量.適量運動對保持適當體重有良好幫助.


Feed every day. Sprinkle on food or mix into food. The enclosed 1/4 teaspoon contains 1.5 mg (1500mcg) of biotin. 
Dogs under 30 lbs. and all cats: 1/4 teaspoon each day.
Dogs over 30 lbs: 1/4 teaspoon for every 30 lbs. of body weight each day.
Analysis   分析
Protein 蛋白質 42 %
Fat 脂肪 4 %
Fiber 纖維 4 %
Moisture 水份 4 %
Dog.Com is not responsible for typographical errors. We strive to keep the most current information on our website, however sometimes ingredients, the guaranteed analysis and packaging can change. Please check the manufacturer's website for the most current product information   犬公館不保證文字上的失誤. 我們會盡量去更新資料的準確性, 但基於廠方或代理會不定期更改成份,包裝等我們無法控制的因素. 客人如需要最準確的產品資料, 請查詢產品的官方網頁.



