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Dr.B's BARF 急凍貓糧 袋鼠 3磅(需預付)

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Official website:http://www.barfaustralia.com/ 官方網頁: http://www.barfaustralia.com/
  • What is BARF?

  • BARF is about feeding pets properly. The aim of BARF is to maximize the health, longevity and reproductive capacity of pets and by so doing, minimize the need for veterinary intervention.
  • The BARF movement appears to have started in response to the dietary guidelines outlined in the book "Give Your Dog a Bone" written by Dr Ian Billinghurst in 1993.
  • The diet is based on raw meat, bones, offal and other healthy whole foods, such as eggs, milk, fruit and vegetables.
  • Why choose Dr. B’s Genuine Aussie R.A.W. B.A.R.F. patties?

  • Switching to the BARF diet can be a daunting experience. That is why Dr. Billinghurst developed a safe and easy BARF diet which is as convenient as feeding dry dog food.
  • Dr. B’s Genuine Aussie R.A.W. B.A.R.F. patties are made in Australia with local human grade ingredients, without any grain, filler, chemical, colouring or preservative. Australia is also free from Trichinella, H5N1 Avian Flu and Mad Cow Disease.
  • The product has been a sold out success in Australia, the UK, the USA, Japan, Singapore and Taiwan.
  • BARF 是什麼?

  • BARF的目的是要提高寵物的健康、活動和生育能力,藉此減少牠們生病的機會。BARF的熱潮始于Dr. Ian Billinghurst在1993年出版的「Give Your Dog a Bone」一書中描述的飲食指南。
  • 簡單來說,BARF是一種配合寵物進化理論的飲食習慣,食材包括生肉、骨頭、內臟和其他天然的健康食物,如蛋、牛奶、水果和蔬菜。
  • Dr.B 急凍貓狗糧的特點?
  • 很多主人都明白BARF的好處,但餵飼時卻遇到很多問題。為了解決這些疑難,Dr. Billinghurst親自設計了Dr.B急凍貓狗糧,既有BARF的好處,又像乾糧般方便。
  • Dr.B急凍貓狗糧從澳洲入口,取材自當地人類食用級材料。不含穀物、填充物、化學成份、色素及防腐劑。根據世衛的資料,澳洲從未發生H5N1禽流感和瘋牛症。而澳洲當局在貨物出口時亦會提供檢疫。
  • Dr.B急凍貓狗糧已風行於澳洲、英國、美國、日本、新加坡和台灣,深受當地專業繁殖者和寵物主人的歡迎。
  • 每種成份都扮演著一個關鍵的作用
  • Dr.B急凍貓狗糧含新鮮未經烹調或處理的食物,包括肌肉、肉臟、骨頭、蔬菜、水果、蛋、乳酪和海藻。這些健康食物含豐富的脂肪、蛋白質、維生素、礦物質、植物營養素、酵素、微量原素和抗氧化劑。絕不含任何穀物、填充料、化學品、染色素或防腐劑。為了寵物的安全和更易消化,我們更把骨頭磨成了粉末。
Origin :   產地:
Australia   澳洲
Ingredients   成份:

Kangaroo meat, finely ground kangaroo bone, offal (a mixture of equal parts of heart and liver derived from beef and lamb), whole raw egg (no shell), fresh yogurt, carrots, apples, dried alfalfa leaf powder and dried kelp powder.

Analysis 分析
Protein 蛋白質   %
Fat 脂肪   %
Fiber 纖維   %
Moisture 水份   %
Dog.Com is not responsible for typographical errors. We strive to keep the most current information on our website, however sometimes ingredients, the guaranteed analysis and packaging can change. Please check the manufacturer's website for the most current product information   犬公館不保證文字上的失誤. 我們會盡量去更新資料的準確性, 但基於廠方或代理會不定期更改成份,包裝等我們無法控制的因素. 客人如需要最準確的產品資料, 請查詢產品的官方網頁.


